How Professionals and Business’ stay relevant

An often overlooked detail most business professionals is their headshot.

Lets answer the big question!

Why are fresh well crafted professional head shots so important to your business?

It’s an obvious answer…

It’s your image! (pun intended)

There are more than a few benefits to having a photographer take your headshot.

-Good lighting

-Good angle of your “good side”

-The right background

-Dealing with everything trying to photo bomb you at the last minute

-Busy life style

 With a professional someone considers all of that for you and has the knowledge and equipment needed to adjust accordingly. They will also help with any needed make up, posing and color coordination to ensure you are seen clearly with good contrast.

A professional can achieve this but, an artist in the craft of photography can enhance your natural features and portray your personality in a distinguished manor.

Why is that important?

Imagine you’re a pediatrician

A mom is looking for a doctor for her child who is very shy.

Your picture looks professional and but thanks to bad lighting and shadows on your face, now you look a little mean in the photo!

Despite reviews, if she thinks her child will be scared of you then she won’t be making an appointment.


When someone looks for a lawyer they want to see someone who is professional and can handle their own in court.

Colors, outfits and backgrounds all effect the persona that is given off in the photo.

A professional persona is a different aspect of your personality and finding the right traits to enhance in order to give the desired effect is an art.

Clients and customers want to see that you can handle their needs and that they are choosing the right person for the job.  

And if that doesn’t persuade you,

 Think of the digital world around us, most people skim profiles and glance at photos.

If a good impression isn’t made in the first few seconds potential clients will keep scrolling. We have all done it now and again. It’s just the world we live in.

Having a picture portray what you want clients to see is more important now than ever. 

Keeping it fresh is just as important,

Fresh photos eliminate the the shock of meeting someone on false pretenses, which can have a negative affect on business.

A photo from 10 years ago may be professional and give the right persona but for new clients it could cause alarm if they can’t find you when meeting in a public setting or may be interpreted as misleading.

Keeping up with your professional image shows you keep up with your business and get things done!

David Krisher

Senior portrait photographer located in Lebanon, MO

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